Local Colorado Goods
12 Days of Christmas- Assorted Boxed Set of 12 Cards
1 of each design. 12 cards in total. Packaged in a clear box with contents shown on back of box. Box includes: Partridge in a Pear Tree (H0001), 2 Turtle Doves (H0002), 3 French Hens (H0003), 4 Calling Birds (H0004), 5 Golden Rings (H0005), 6 Geese Laying (H0006), 7 Swans Swimming (H0007), 8 Maids Milking (H0008), 9 Ladies Dancing (H0009), 10 Lords Leaping (H0010), 11 Pipers Piping (H0011), 12 Drummers Drumming (H0012).
Kaley Alie Art, Fort Collins, CO