Hammitt is a luxury accessories brand based in Los Angeles with handbags at its heart. Collection includes crossbody bags, totes, satchels and more. Designing a functional, fresh approach to modern handbags is the Hammitt Mission.

AHDorned Vegan Bags

The Ah-Dorned team believes in a world where you have total freedom to express yourself. 

With our versatile bags and interchangeable bag straps, they provide the opportunity to create a look that is 100% you.

Haute Shore

Welcome to Haute Items- your one stop shop for the latest accessories for every season. The concept was developed with a specific goal in mind- to bring beautiful accessories to the market curated for both the fashion and budget conscious!


JEN & CO is the trend driven brand that bridgs the gap between contemporary and classic style, based out of Atlanta GA JEN & CO features trendy, affordable, and soft vegan leather handbags. Bring your style into this “cruelty free” vegan option, in a variety of colors and styles.